09-03 Coronavirus – aggiornamenti al 9 marzo 2020

9 Marzo 2020

Aggiornamenti al 09-03-2020
Nella Gazzetta Ufficiale di ieri, 8 marzo, sono stati pubblicati due provvedimenti di interesse:

  • DPCM 8 marzo (link) contente misure straordinarie sul COVID-19, sia per le zone ad alto rischio (c.d. zone arancioni) che per il resto del territorio nazionale (le cui disposizioni sono già in vigore e saranno efficaci fino al 3 aprile 2020)
  • Dl su attività giudiziaria per COVID-19 (link)
  • Nota esplicativa al DPCM 8 marzo 2020

A seguito dell’emanazione del predetto DPCM, diverse regioni del centro sud Italia hanno pubblicato delle ordinanze restrittive di entrata e i Ministeri alcune note esplicative. Di seguito gli elenchi completi.

Note esplicative sul Decreto:

  • MAECI – MIT – MISE – chiarimenti su transfrontalieri e merci
  • MIPAAF – Movimentazione prodotti agroalimentari
  • Prefettura di Alessandria
  • Assolombarda
  • Ordinanza esplicativa: Nel corso di una conferenza Stampa con il Ministro Boccia, il Ministro Speranza ed il capo della protezione civile Borrelli, sono stati illustrati i contenuti di una ordinanza di prossima firma che chiarisce alcuni (limitati) punti del Dpcm 8 marzo 2020.

Ordinanze regionali

A seguito delle informazioni veicolate nelle scorse ore rispetto alla fuga dalle zone arancioni, diverse regioni del centro e Sud Italia hanno pubblicato delle ordinanze restrittive di entrata. In particolare, si prevede che a chiunque arrivi nelle Regioni di seguito riportate e che abbia soggiornato entro i 14 giorni precedenti in una delle zone “arancioni” indicate dall’articolo 1 del DPCM verrà applicata la misura della quarantena obbligatoria con sorveglianza attiva. Di seguito le ordinanze regionali e in allegato la direttiva e un comunicato sui contenuti che il Ministro dell’interno, Luciana Lamorgese, ha adottato ai Prefetti per l’attuazione dei controlli nelle aree a contenimento rafforzato.

Clicca qui per visualizzare Tabella di riepilogo del DPCM 8 marzo 2020

Nota  Prefettura di Sondrio che stabilisce che nelle aree a contenimento rafforzato, a decorrere dalle 18 ristoranti e bar possono svolgere solo servizio d’asporto (art. 1,comma1, lett.n) (in allegato)

Article 1 – Urgent measures to contain contagion in the region of Lombardy and in the provinces of Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio nell’Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro and Urbino, Alessandria, Asti, Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Vercelli, Padua, Treviso, Venice

In order to counteract and contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the above-mentioned areas, the following measures shall be taken:

  • to avoid any movement of persons into and out of the territories referred to in this article, as well as within the same territories, except in the case of movements motivated by proven work needs or situations of need or travel for health reasons. You may return to your home, residence or residence;
  • subjects with symptoms of respiratory infection and fever (over 37.5° C) are strongly recommended to stay at home and limit as much as possible any social contacts, contacting your attending physician;
  • public and private employers are recommended to promote, during the period of effectiveness of this decree, the enjoyment by employees of the periods of ordinary leave and leave of absence;
  • all events organised and events in a public or private place shall be suspended, including those of a cultural, recreational, sporting, religious and trade fair nature, even if carried out in closed but open to the public
  • the educational services for children shall be suspended and educational activities in schools of all levels, including Universities and Institutions of Higher Artistic Musical and Choreutic Training, of Courses professional, masters, courses for health care professions and universities for the elderly, as well as the professional courses and training activities carried out by other public bodies, including local and regional ones, and local and private subjects, without prejudice in any case to the possibility of carrying out activities distance learning;
  • catering and bar activities are permitted from 6.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., with the obligation for the operator to ensure the distance of interpersonal security of at least one meter
  • the opening of commercial activities shall be permitted provided that the operator guarantees access to these places in a quota-based manner or otherwise ensuring the distance of interpersonal security of at least one meter
  • the ordinary leave of health and technical staff and crisis units shall be suspended
  • in the conduct of meetings, arrangements shall be made, in all possible cases, for remote connection
  • on public holidays and public holidays/pre-festive days, medium-sized and large sales outlets shall be closed. During the week, the operator must ensure the distance of interpersonal security of at least one meter. The closure is not available – for pharmacies, parapharmacies and grocery stores, whose manager is required to ensure that the interpersonal safety distance of one meter is maintained.

Article 2 – Measures to combat and contain the spread of the virus throughout the country

In order to counter and contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus, throughout the whole territory the following measures shall apply:

  • congresses, meetings, gatherings and social events in which it is involved health personnel or personnel responsible for the performance of essential public services or of public utility shall be suspended;
  • all demonstrations, events and shows of any kind shall be suspended
  • it shall be recommended to commercial establishments to ensure that measures are taken to ensure that organisational arrangements to allow access to the above mentioned locations in a quota-regulated manner, suitable to avoid crowds of people, in respect of the distance of interpersonal security of at least one metre between visitors;
  • educational services and educational activities in schools of all kinds and level, as well as attendance at school and higher education activities, including Universities are suspended until march 15th, with the possibility of carrying out distance learning activities;
  • educational trips, exchange or twinning initiatives, guided tours are suspended;
  • readmission to educational services for children having been sick for more than five days, takes place behind presentation of a medical certificate;
  • school leaders shall, for the duration of the suspension of teaching activities, activate in schools, distance learning methods also had regard to specific needs of students with disabilities;
  • in Universities and institutions of higher education, for all the duration of the suspension, the didactic activities can be carried out, where possible, with remote modalities;
  • didactic or curricular activities can be carried out, where possible, at a distance;
  • the smart working discipline, according to Articles 18 to 23 of the Law of 22 May 2017, No 81, may be applied – for the duration of the state of emergency referred to in Resolution of the Council of Ministers 31 January 2020 – from employers to every employment relationship subordinate, even in the absence of the individual agreements provided for therein; the reporting obligations are fulfilled electronically;
  • where possible, employers are recommended to encourage the use of periods of ordinary leave or vacation.

precedenti aggiornamenti



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